


(734) 763-8649

Director – Institute for Social & Environment Research – Nepal Research Professor, Population Studies Center Ph.D. Sociology and Demography, University of Michigan

Dr. Ghimire studies social change, developmental idealism, family and demography, population and environment dynamics. His research within family and demography revolves around three sub areas- marriage (marital arrangement, marital relationship and relationship dynamics), childbearing (timing of first birth), and fertility limitation (contraceptive use). In addition, he also studies reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and mental health and well-being. Another major area of Dr. Ghimire’s research focuses on understanding of the interplay between population and environmental processes (reciprocal impacts of population processes on land use and terrestrial biodiversity, and environmental degradation on childbearing, contraceptive use, individual mobility and household energy use). More recently his work has focused on ideational aspects of these substantive areas.

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Dr. Carlos Mendes de Leon
Dr. Carlos Mendes de Leon



Professor of Epidemiology, Ph.D., University of Michigan

Prof. Dr. Carlos F. Mendes de Leon is a professor of Epidemiology at the University of Michigan. His research involves epidemiology of late life health, social epidemiology, health disparities, psychosocial risk factors for disease and disability, longitudinal methods. He is Co-Principal Investigator of the study and as Co-PI, Mendes de Leon jointly with Dr. Ghimire will oversee all administrative and scientific aspects of the proposed research plan, including coordination among project collaborators, project planning, design and refinement of data collection instruments to measure ADRD, and venomous blood sample collection for genotyping. In the analysis portion of the project, he will lead the estimate of prevalence rate and socioeconomic predictors of ADRD. He will work closely together with Dr. Ghimire, Dr. Briceno-Abreu, Dr. Mitchel and Dr. Langa to oversee all study activities involved in this project.

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Dr. Emily Briceno-Abreu
Dr. Emily Briceno-Abreu



Clinical Neuropsychologist and Clinical Associate Professor- in the department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Michigan.

As a clinical neuropsychologist, she has extensive training, and clinical and research experience in neuropsychology with diverse patient populations, including the neuropsychological assessment of dementia. She is currently an investigator on several NIH-funded studies, including several studies that use the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP), the cognitive assessment protocol for the current project. Dr. Briceno-Abreu is Co-PI of a NIA funded R24 pilot project, which aims to utilize cultural neuropsychological procedures to optimize cross national comparisons of cognitive assessment data from studies within the HCAP International Network. She is also a Co-Investigator on the NIH-funded BASIC-Cognitive study, an R01 that aims to ascertain the prevalence and impact of dementia in Mexican Americans, and on another R01 in this cohort that aims to examine caregiver decision-making and longer-term cognitive trajectories across Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites. These projects use the HCAP instruments to assess cognitive health and its trajectories in this culturally and linguistically diverse population. As the neuropsychologist investigator, she will be responsible for the implementation and interpretation of the HCAP assessments, particularly in considering the impact of demographic, linguistic, and cultural factors to optimize precision in measurement of cognition. She will also develop and provide training for the field office staff on cognitive testing with the HCAP assessment instrument and oversee quality assurance. In addition she will also be involved in data analysis, and presentation and publication of results. In the analysis portion of the project, he will lead the analyses of international migration and ADRD.

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Dr. Colter Mitchell
Dr. Colter Mitchell


(734) 615-1724

Associate Professor- in the Survey Research Center, PhD., University of Michigan

Prof. Dr. Colter Mitchell is Director of Population, Neurodevelopment, and Genetics Program; Research Associate Professor, Survey Research Center, Population Studies Center, and Department of Sociology; Co-Director, Institute for Social Research Bio specimen Lab University of Michigan. Dr. Mitchell’s research utilizes a range of biological data types such as epigenetics, neuroimaging, and genetics to better understand how social conditions shape population health. In particular his work uses these biomarkers to elucidate pathways by which social inequalities cause health inequalities. This research uses longitudinal population-based studies. He is Co-Investigator in the project and will be responsible for overseeing the analysis linking genetic propensity, international labor migration to ADRD.

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Dr. Kenneth M. Langa
Dr. Kenneth M. Langa


(734) 647-8160

Cyrus Sturgis Professor- of Medicine at the University of Michigan, Associate Director- of the Institute of Gerontology and for the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). Research Investigator- in the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs (VA) Center for Clinical Management Research.

His research has focused on the risk factors and outcomes for chronic disease in older adults, with a special emphasis on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, and has published more than 225 peer-reviewed articles on these topics. He has collaborated with the HRS study team since 1998. Dr. Langa was Lead Investigator on the original HRS dementia sub-study, the ADAMS, from 2002 through 2010, and a Co-Investigator on the HRS-HCAP competing revision, working closely with David Weir in developing the HCAP protocol fielded by the HRS in 2016. Dr. Langa currently serves as the Principal Investigator of the NIA-funded HRS-HCAP study. He will provide expertise in aligning the HCAP cognitive assessment and dementia algorithms in this study with those applied in other international studies of dementia, in particular the HRS Network of Studies on Aging. Dr. Langa will provide guidance on overall implementation of HCAP.

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Dr. Uttam Sharma
Dr. Uttam Sharma


(734) 615-1724

Researcher .Phd.

Dr. Uttam Sharma is an applied economist with more than 10 years of experience conducting research in topics related to agriculture, education, and labor market in Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria and Tanzania. He was a Co-Principal Investigator (co-PI) on 3ie-funded projects in Kenya and Nepal, and a Co-Investigator in a DFID/ESRC-funded study in Nepal. As a Co-Investigator, his responsibilities on this project include overseeing field operation (acquiring ethical and necessary government approval, validation of research instrument, staff recruitment, training data collection staff and supervision of data collection and data management) in Nepal and coordinating between Nepali and US investigators. In addition, Dr. Sharma will be involved in all phases of data cleaning and coding, data analysis, writing manuscripts, and presenting scientific results. In the analysis portions of the project, he will collaborate with the research team on the analyses of the associations between socioeconomic status, family dynamics, and ADRD.

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Dr. Meeta Sainju Pradhan
Dr. Meeta Sainju Pradhan


(734) 615-1724

Sociologist and Research Scientist at ISER-N

Dr. Meeta Sainju Pradhan is a sociologist and Research Scientist at ISER-N and contributes her expertise on gender equality and social inclusion in the social, economic and political life in Nepal. Dr. Pradhan’s research focuses on poverty alleviation, gender equality, and social inclusion (encompassing exclusion from basic rights of groups based on differences in gender, caste, ethnicity, class, geography/region, sexual and gender minorities, persons with disabilities, elderly populations, etc.). The combination of her experiences and insights adds value to this project. As a Co-Investigator, Dr. Pradhan’s responsibilities on this project include providing gender perspective on research instrument translation, validation, and research staff training. She will also be involved in data analysis, writing manuscripts, and presenting scientific results. In the analysis portions of the project, she will collaborate with the research team on the estimation of associations between gender, disadvantage status and ADRD.

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Dr. Pankaj Jalan
Dr. Pankaj Jalan


(734) 615-1724


Dr. Pankaj Jalan is a neurologist and has over a decade of experience in evaluating and treating patients with cognitive disorders from all over Nepal and encounters many patients with Alzheimer disease and related dementias. Dr. Jalan has completed neurology training at S.I.U. School of Medicine and is a board-certified neurologist. He provides expertise in an S.I.U. Memory and Aging Clinic which included training and research on ADRD. As Co-Investigator, his responsibilities on this project include overseeing the translation of the cognitive assessment tools, testing and validating the cognitive assessment tools, blood sample collection and shipping protocol and training Nepali research staff on the cognitive assessments. Dr. Jalan will work in close collaboration with the research team, especially Dr. Sharma, Rai, Pradhan, and the ISER-N research staff on translating the cognitive assessment tools; Dr. Briceno and the ISER-N research staff on testing and validating the cognitive measures; and Dr. Briceno on training of the cognitive assessment and ADRD measures. His extensive experience in evaluating and treating patients with cognitive disorders is particularly valuable for this project. Dr. Jalan will also be involved in writing manuscripts, and presenting scientific results. In the analysis portions of the project, he will collaborate with the research team on estimation of population based ADRD prevalence rate and the analyses of the associations between international migration, armed conflict and ADRD.

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Dr. Janak Rai
Dr. Janak Rai


(734) 615-1724

Cultural Anthropologist and Associate Professor, Tribhuvan University

Prof. Dr. Janak Rai is a cultural anthropologist and Associate Professor at Tribhuvan University and has extensive knowledge on the fabric of the Nepali population and culture to inform the content and translation of survey instruments. As a Co-Investigator, his responsibilities on this project include providing cultural perspective on research instrument translation, validation, and research staff training. Dr. Rai will be involved in qualitative data analysis, writing manuscripts, and presenting scientific results. In the analysis portions of the project, he will collaborate with the research team on the analyses of the associations between religio-ethnic status, armed conflict and ADRD.

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